
Feature, Freight News, Sea

ABP and partners donate £15,000 to Carl and Amy

[ March 16, 2016   //   ]

ABP and its partners the Graham Lagan Construction Group Joint Venture (JV) have presented a cheque for more than £15,000 to local man Carl Giblin and his wife Amy.

Carl, from Bilton, was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) in 2013. He and Amy are expecting their first child in a few weeks.

ABP port manager for Hull and Goole Mark Frith said that MND charities were selected by ABP as its fundraising recipients for 2015, following the diagnosis of former Grimsby and Immingham Director Nick Palmer in 2006.

He added: We sadly lost Nick in September last year but we hope these donations go some way towards helping Carl and others who continue to battle this terrible disease.”

ABP and the Graham Lagan Construction Group JV, which is currently working with ABP on Siemens’ Alexandra Dock project, handed the couple a cheque for more than £15,000 following a year of fundraising, which included cake sales, sponsored walks, a golf day and a 200-mile cycle ride from Hillsborough in Northern Ireland, which is the site of the Graham headquarters, to Grimsby.

l-r: ABP Charity Challenge Coordinator Lizi Sayner; Amy & Carl Giblin; Jim Armour, project manager, Graham Lagan Construction Group Joint Venture

((Pic ABP donation))
