Freight News, Sea

ABP suggests compromise in the Humber

[ February 28, 2014   //   ]

Associated British Ports has produced what it describes as a compromise proposal that would allow both its own s Immingham Western Deepwater Jetty (IWDJ) and Able UK’s Marine Energy Park (AMEP) to go ahead in the Humber Estuary. ABP says it believes that such a solution is eminently achievable and that the joint use of the Special Parliamentary Procedure by both ABP and Able to amend the consent is the most efficient way of delivering the maximum benefit to the region. ABP has filed two petitions with Parliament, the first its own preferred option that both projects be deliveredand a second back-up petition against the Secretary of State’s decision that would only be pursued if ABP cannot reach an agreement with Able to promote both developments.

However, Able said that ABP’s suggestion that the length of the AMEP quay be reduce would undermine the entire project.

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