
Feature, Freight News, Sea

All hands on deck for ABP staff

[ May 5, 2016   //   ]

A group from ABP’s Humber ports got the chance to test their sea legs when they were given a training day by seafaring charity Maybe Sailing.

Fifteen staff from Hull, Goole, Grimsby and Immingham set out from Hull Marina to learn how to sail the 80-foot vessel.

The training was a thank you for supporting the charity with free berthing and a charitable donation given to enable local schools to enjoy sailing days aboard Tall ShipMaybe.

Rachel Addison, ABP Communications Manager Humber has been working with Maybe Sailing for the past 12 months to deliver training days for local schools.

She said: “We were thrilled when the team offered us a free day on the Humber as a thank you and I was inundated with requests for a place. Those who were fortunate enough to be drawn from the hat had a fantastic day learning about navigating and rigging.”
