Business, Forwarding, Freight News

Back to work with BIFA

[ May 6, 2020   //   ]

BIFA is receiving many enquiries from members asking the steps they should take once lockdown restrictions are eased BIFA but says it is difficult to provide precise answers because there are numerous variables to consider.

However, it has outlined a series of measures companies should consider in a guidance blueprint, available at

It outlines what should be reviewed, including cargo handling procedures, provision of PPE, and a ‘staggered’ start-up of business depending on how premises can function under social distancing and office layouts.

Director general Robert Keen, stated: “It is likely that the post-lockdown situation will be an evolving picture and it is important that companies monitor staff feedback and ongoing government advice/regulation to adjust their initial policies and procedures as applicable. Any procedural changes will have to be promptly advised to staff and implementation monitored.”
