
Business, Freight News, Logistics

BIFA to talk to HMRC about ERTS

[ September 14, 2012   //   ]

The British International Freight Association said on 10 September that it had arranged a meeting with HM Revenue & Customs to further discuss proposals covering the movement of goods to Enhanced Remote Transit Sheds (ERTS).
BIFA director general, Peter Quantrill said: “There are in effect 12 proposals, many of which are acceptable to the Association and its members and some having a positive impact including increased facilitation for AEOs and more coherent ERTS authorisations.
“However, one element that BIFA has significant reservations about is the fact that under the new proposals a routed entry cannot be submitted to Customs prior to the goods physically arriving at an agent’s ERTS. We believe that this would potentially lead to longer clearance times and increased operating costs, for our members.
Earlier, on talks between the freight industry and HMRC on the issue broke up without any firm agreement on 30 August.

Agreement about the existing system is necessary as existing Customs law ceases in July 2013 and is due to be replaced by the EU’s new Union Customs Code, which is still in the process of finalistaion.
