Air, Feature, Freight News

Chop! Chop! Quick-thinking Chapman Freeborn delivers urgent car parts

[ November 6, 2024   //   ]

Air charter broker Chapman Freeborn landed an AS-355 helicopter on a carpark to get automotive equipment to its destination in time for a German car manufacturer. The company drew upon its fifty years of experience to identify and request the use of an adjacent car park as a temporary helipad.

“We are well aware that for our automotive customers, every second lost to inactivity translates into enormous costs,” said Reto Hunziker, President – Europe, Chapman Freeborn. “By arranging for a car park on a neighbouring site to be used as a temporary helipad, our expert team were able to deliver the spare parts needed directly to the customer’s door.”

The air charterer also recently supported a manufacturer with the testing of new cars at a remote quarry, shuttling around 250 people to the site from a nearby racetrack in Southern Germany.  
