Feature, Freight News, Sea

Dover ready to start Western Docks work

[ February 3, 2014   //   ]

Dover Harbour Board said it was ready to start redevelopment of the Western Docks area of Europe’s busiest ferry port, having gained Government approval for the scheme in 2012. It added that it wished “to seize the opportunity to lock in the many benefits that this could bring just as soon as it possibly can.”

Following a review of its masterplan over several months, the board said it had “identified a significant opportunity to support its customers and the community and provide the game changer for which the people of Dover have been waiting for so long. Through the early development of the approved consented footprint in the Western Docks, the Port could create over 600 new logistics industry jobs for Dover and safeguard another 140 positions by developing a new cargo terminal.”

The Board’s described its plan as “an evolution of the previous masterplanning proposals and represents a possible way of achieving key benefits of the plan based upon current market conditions and opportunities within the cargo business. Delivering such a vision would enable the Port to ensure that it has the essential infrastructure in place to serve its customers in the years ahead with the additional opportunity to increase ferry berth capacity in the Eastern Docks through the transfer of the cargo operation to the west.”

Plans to develop a so-called ‘Terminal 2’ at Western Docks – currently used mainly for cruise passengers – have existed for some time. However, the plan appeared to have been making little tangible progress until now.

The port is already carrying out a traffic management improvement project and a berth refurbishment and replacement programme in the existing commercial area at Eastern Docks.

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