
Air, Feature, Freight News

Flippin’ ‘eck, this is the life!

[ June 20, 2016   //   ]

It was otter bliss for a group of sea creatures travelling first class courtesy of FedEx. A group of Pacific sea otters travelled from Alaska to France in mid-June for a to a new home at the Océanopolis discovery park in Brest. Complete with an ice litter and snacks of capelin, squid and clams, the creatures lived it up on board a FedEx MD11 freighter all the way from the SeaLife Center in Seward, Alaska to the Océanopolis discovery park in Brest, France via the express carrier’s hubs in Memphis and Paris.

Final leg of the journey for the flippered VIPs was on an ASL Switzerland ATR-42 aircraft and then an Océanopolis truck.

It was a new start for the young otters who had been injured and orphaned and, while physically recovered, can never be released into the wild. But they will be the stars of the show at Océanopolis; until now, the species could only be seen in the largest aquariums in Japan and the US.

The move- accomplished in 24 hours – was carried out as part of FedEx’s ‘Delivering for Good’ initiative.
