Feature, Forwarding, Freight News

French forwarder sees African opportunities

[ November 14, 2019   //   ]

French-headquartered forwarder Heppner says it aims to tap into the growing opportunities offered in West Africa with its new branch in Dakar, Senegal, its first on the continent.

It says that business prospects had been boosted by natural resources projects and by the growth of the middle class in the regions, which had in turn increased demand for Western consumer goods and retailing methods.

Heppner would offer customers “an integrated supply chain offering including air and ocean freight but also custom clearance, warehousing and distribution”. Overseas director Valentin Jung also promised an alternative “to the current oligopoly in place, at human scale yet complying with the highest European standards”.

Since its opening in June 2019, Heppner’s Dakar branch has become active in the retail, fast-moving consumer goods and pharmaceutical sectors and aimed to double its workforce by 2020, added Senegal country director Pascal Bonnet.

Founded in 1925, Heppner operates 70 sites in France, ten in Germany and others in the Netherlands and Spain, operating in about 150 countries worldwide.
