
Air, Freight News

FTA sets up aviation group

[ February 19, 2016   //   ]

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) is launching a new Aviation Working Group to look at issues affecting the air freight sector, including plans to increase airport capacity in south-east England.

The new group, which is open to all FTA members with an interest in aviation, will focus on establishing a clear FTA vision and strategy for air freight, and promoting the economic benefits of the sector to government in the UK and the EU.

FTA head of global policy, Alex Veitch (pictured), said: ”The group will enable us to develop an action plan to engage constructively with airport owners, operators and airlines to improve air freight facilities, and to continue to engage with UK Government on aviation capacity in the south east of England.”

 The new group will report to FTA’s British Shippers’ Council and will operate on a ‘task and finish’ basis – that is, it will deliver agreed objectives and then disband, unless members see value in developing it into a permanent committee.

Three meetings are planned for 2016 – the first is scheduled for April. FTA members interested in joining can contact:

Alex Veitch resized
