Freight News, Logistics

FTA warns of Glasgow games chaos

[ March 24, 2014   //   ]

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) is complaining of a lack of information to help the freight industry prepare for this summer’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. With the Games due to start on 23 July, preparations for freight deliveries are far behind those for which were made ahead of the London Olympics in 2012.

FTA has delivered a 50 day ultimatum to the Glasgow Games organisers asking for published detailed information in preparation of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, with full details of its plans to be delivered before the Association’s Conference due to be held on 13 May,.
FTA says that freight and logistics operators need information urgently to plan for the event and the change deliveries and servicing patterns.
Chris MacRae, FTA’s Head of Policy for Scotland, said: “At the equivalent stage ahead of the Olympics in 2012, the Games Route Network (GRN) was known in detail and the Freight Working Group had met several times.  For Glasgow the GRN is still only a map without any published detail on actual restrictions, times or postcodes released and the Freight Working Group only met for the first time on 11 March.  We also still have no information on the venue security accreditation procedures.”

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