Freight News, Sea

High Tide scheme doubles in size

[ July 28, 2014   //   ]

Teesside youngsters will benefit from the second annual scheme to help prepare them for the world of work over the summer holidays.

Launched in 2013, the High Tide Summer Scheme offers 16- and 17-year-olds the opportunity to undertake two weeks of work experience with different businesses in and around Teesport. This year the scheme has doubled in size, with 32 young people on placements with 18 different employers.

High Tide chairman and boss of Middlesbrough-based Casper Shipping, Kevin Shakesheff, said;

“We’re really pleased that the success of last year’s programme has not only meant that the number of students applying has risen significantly, but that more businesses have stepped forward to support it. We know that this kind of programme can really boost young people’s chances of future employment, and by providing them with a structured experience alongside other young people from across the area, we believe that what we are offering is quite unique”.

Four of the  youngsters will, uniquely, have the chance to travel on a working container ship to St Petersburg  courtesy of  Containerships Oy, spending 11 days en route to Russia’s second city and back, via Rotterdam, Helsinki and Riga.

Other students on the programme will be working with employers  such as Wilton Engineering, LV Shipping, PD Ports, Recyc-Oil, AV Dawson and Bulkhaul, gaining a first hand insight into two different businesses during their placements.

In September, students who have successfully completed the Scheme will come together  for a special ‘graduation’ event at Middlesbrough Football Club’s Riverside Stadium to celebrate their success.

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