Feature, Freight News, Sea

Hull ups reefer capacity

[ April 8, 2020   //   ]

ABP has increased its refrigerated container storage capacity at the Port of Hull with the installation of two new reefer gantries at the Humber Container Terminal. They raise capacity by an additional 64 reefers.

The two new gantries allows reefers on the terminal to be stacked four high, saving ground space, and in turn increases capacity for other types of containers. As the COVID-19 crisis continues, theexpansion will help support the flow of perishable goods into the UK such as food and medicine, says ABP.

ABP is also improving the Humber Container Terminal facilities at the Port of Immingham, with an investment of £33 million to modernise equipment and increase container storage space. Earlier this year the port welcomed six, new electric rubber tyre gantry cranes, similar to those already on the Port of Hull with more set to arrive later this year.
