
Business, Freight News, Logistics, Road, Sea

New Nordic partner for Hellmann UK

[ February 7, 2012   //   ]

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics UK has signed a new partnership with Itella Logistics in Scandinavia for round trip trailers running into Denmark and Sweden. Hellmann’s Bradford and Lichfield terminals will be the export hubs for the trailers, while Bradford, Lichfield and Basildon will act as import hubs.

Headquarted in Finland, Itella is the logistics arm of the Finnish postal service. It has operations in sight countries in the Nordic, Scandinavian and Baltic region, plus Russia.

The deal follows a similar move by Hellmann Germany. Earlier, Hellmann UK announced a series of new developments including its relationship with the Deutsche Transport Compagnie (DTC) in Nuremberg, a new hub solution to service the Baltic and Russian CIS markets, and a further direct feed service into Poland.

Hellmann UK’s commercial director, Matthew Marriott, said: “While our relationship with our previous partner was extremely strong, working with Itella will allow us to increase Hellmann’s presence even further in Denmark and Sweden, and offer even more efficient, reliable and regular shipments to our customers. Through the success of Hellmann Germany’s relationship with Itella we know that it is a trusted partner and we have no doubt that our UK imports and exports will see clear benefits as a result of this move.”