Freight News, Road

One in five driver posts unfilled, say unions

[ February 24, 2020   //   ]

The driver shortage in the EU is increasing alarmingly said the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the International Road Transport Union at an event on 18 February to mark the 20th anniversary of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Road Transport in the European Parliament.

The two groups, which represent workers and employers respectively said that 20% of drivers’ positions were unfilled in 2019 adding that working conditions are an undeniable contributor to the lack of attractiveness of the drivers’ profession. They urged development of more safe and secure parking areas for truck drivers and efficient enforcement of social rules in mobility and logistics.

There is currently a shortfall of 100,000 parking slots throughout the EU while less than 3% of the 300,000 existing parking spaces in the EU meet safety and security standards.Funding and setting appropriate standards for safe and secure parking areas (SSTPAs) on the core European TEN-T network should be a political priority during the next four-year term of the EU leadership, they said.

The partners also emphasised the clear need for targeted and intelligence-led enforcement of drivers hours rules through digitalisation of the EU’s entire road transport. With the European Union close to adopting new road transport rules under the Mobility Package, enforcement will be key and without going digital the challenge will be enormous.
