Feature, Freight News, Sea

Port comes to the rescue of slippery customers

[ June 3, 2020   //   ]

The Port of Gothenburg recently found time to rescue 150 eels trapped by the construction of the huge new Arendal terminal. The 220,000sq m site includes a small cove which has been sealed off and will be gradually filled with rock and dredge material.

The rare, protected European eels had to be removed before the work could start and it emerged that there were far more eels remaining in the lagoon than anyone involved in the project could have imagined.











Project manager Joakim Grenmarker explained:  “We hadn’t expected to find any eels at all and discovering 150 so close to where we are working was a surprise, particularly in the light of the fact that construction of the terminal has been in progress for quite a while. Having said that, the eels don’t seem to have been too bothered by what has been going on around them.”

Perhaps it’s as well that the Anguilla Anguilla (as they are officially called) don’t know that their species is under serious threat with only 5% of the numbers that existed in 1950 still remaining.





Eels being fished out of the embanked lagoon in the port of Gothenburg. Photo: Gothenburg port Authority.

