Feature, Freight News, Logistics, Sea

Port firm to boost science teaching

[ April 3, 2023   //   ]

DP World has also made a £50,000 donation to a project to boost teaching of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects in local schools.

The port operator is funding a Continuing Professional Development project at its London Gateway logistics hub as the latest instalment in an ongoing five-year programme of support for STEM teaching at local schools.

Some 15 local teachers (pictured) benefitted from the training in March and more will follow.

DP World’s financial support for STEM education across South Essex will continue for at least two more years. It will include specialist training for a total of 37 teachers, technicians and support staff that will benefit 3,700 young people in the area.

It says that there will also be a summer camp for 20 young people, promising exciting sessions on physics, chemistry, biology and STEM-related careers.
