Freight News, Road

Roads to prosperity for East Africa

[ December 13, 2019   //   ]

The African Development Bank has approved €345 million-worth of finance for new road schemes in Tanzania and Kenya. At a meeting in Abidjan it gave its support to loans for the Mombasa-Lunga Lunga/Horohoro and Tanga-Pangani-Bagamoyo roads Phase I. The road is a key component of the East African transport corridors network, connecting Kenya and Tanzania. The project will have spillover benefits for countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and South Sudan that depend on Mombasa as gateway to global markets.
The Bank’s support will also provide roadside trading facilitates for sellers, half of them women who currently operate in disorganized and unsafe conditions.

The Bank has also signed a a $440 million agreement between Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the government of Kenya for the first phase construction of a bridge connecting Mombasa island and Likoni international port. It will provide a critical link over the Indian Ocean along the corridor.
