Business, Freight News, Logistics, Sea

Short-sea conference in Southampton

[ May 30, 2013   //   ]

FTA and Freight by Water are staging a free one-day conference on opportunities and issues in short-sea freight services and how to reduce transport costs. It takes place on Thursday 20 June at the Ocean Cruise Terminal, Southampton, and will address issues of national significance as well as focusing on UK short sea connections to western France, Iberia and the Mediterranean.

Among the key-note speakers will be by Shadow Shipping Minister – Jim Fitzpatrick MP.
The 2015 Sulphur Directive will also be discussed in detail, assessing its potential impact on services and costs. Other speakers presenting at the event are to include the B9 Shipping, Brittany Ferries, Sollerta and the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

There will also be market briefings on the possibilities for water freight for containers and trucks and the experience of port-centric logistics by users.

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