Air, Feature, Freight News

Swiss returns to Singapore

[ May 20, 2013   //   ]

Swiss International flew the first of its resumed flights from Zurich to Singapore on 12 May. The airline is returning to Singapore after a gap of four years with a daily A340-300 service with belly capacity of 18 tonnes.

Chief cargo officer for Swiss World Cargo Oliver Evans said all the company’s products and services, including general cargo, temperature-controlled and mail, will be offered to and from Singapore which becomes the eighth Asian destination served by Swiss from its Zurich hub.

Speaking to FBJ in Singapore, Evans said he expected the route to become popular very quickly. In particular, he believed that Swiss World Cargo’s range of products aimed at fast expedition and special handling were especially suited to the route as Singapore is an important hub for cargoes as diverse as electronics, medical and healthcare, clean energy and live tropical fish.

Cargo capacity could increase from 2016 if Swiss decides to deploy the B777-300ER to Singapore. The company has ordered six of these aircraft.

At Changi International Airport, shipments are handled by SATS. The eastbound flight LX178 departs from Zurich daily at 22:45 and arrives in Singapore at 17:10 the following day. Westbound flight LX179 leaves Singapore at 23:10 and lands in Zurich at 06:10 local time.

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