
Is Calais Wall the freight industry’s Maginot Line?

Work on a UK-financed €2.7m, 4-metre high wall around the port of Calais was completed in December, but it was no cause for celebration, said chair of the All Party Group on Freight Transport, Rob Flello. The Stoke-on-Trent South MP said the problem of illegal migrants trying to steal on board UK-bound trucks, and intimidation of drivers, could only be solved by “boots on the ground, police or military, to protect ... [+]

Calais wall complete

Work on a UK-financed wall around the port of Calais has been completed, reports EUObserver. Work on the €2.7m, 4-metre high wall has been ongoing for three months.   [+]

Calais intermodal service may be back on track in November

An intermodal service from southern France and Italy to the port of Calais suspending at the height of the migrants crisis in Calais during the summer, could be reinstated as early as November. President-director-general of the port of Calais, Jean Marc Puissesseau told FBJ that the trailer carrying train service, ... [+]

FTA demands quick end to Calais Jungle camp

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has called on the French government must act quickly on its commitment to dismantle the Calais migrant camp following protests by truckers, farmers, local businesses and residents. The government has agreed to remove the camp by the end of the year and meanwhile put additional police ... [+]

IRU calls for Calais action

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has called for urgent action to further improve conditions for truckers in and around Calais and create secure truck parking areas on Europe’s core road network, following the protests in Calais on 5 September. It said that action to further improve security was urgently required, ... [+]

Food importers avoiding Calais, says federation

Freight movements through Calais are being severely disrupted by stowaways, says the Food Storage and Distribution Federation. The situation at the port is getting increasingly worse, with a reported 6000 immigrants trying to cross to the UK, warns federation chief executive, Chris Sturman. The trade body which represents the food logistics ... [+]

Calais trouble ‘worse than ever’

There has been further migrant trouble in Calais, reports the Freight Transport Association. It said that in a recent incident, hundreds of migrants were marched from trucks in Calais and lorry roofs were slashed to shreds as stowaways tried to escape from queuing vehicles. Belfast-based driver Tony Henderson - whose own ... [+]

FTA calls for Calais controls to be kept

The Freight Transport Association says it is backing a Home Affairs Select Committee report calling on the Government to maintain juxtaposed border controls at Calais to protect the UK against terrorism and criminal gangs. The Migration Crisis report - the result of a year-long enquiry by the committee - covers humanitarian and security issues including the ‘Jungle’ camp in Calais and the Le Touquet agreement ... [+]

Driver threatened with chainsaw in Calais night of violence

A truck driver was threatened with a chainsaw during a night of violence in Calais, reports the Freight Transport Association (FTA). It warns that the problems could escalate as numbers in the Jungle Camp swell to more than 7,000 and migrants become more desperate to reach the UK following the ... [+]

Calais intermodal service suspended

The recently introduced VIIA intermodal service from Le Boulou and Italy to Calais was suspended on 10 July because of a surge in migrant acticity. A spokesman for the operator – a subsidiary of French Railways SNCF – said that since the end of June, the service had been the ... [+]

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