
Competition Commission finds against MyFerryLink again

The UK's Competition Commission (CC) has found against Eurotunnel and its MyFerryLink subsidiary in its provisional findings of the tunnel operator's takeover of ships and operators belonging to the now bankrupt French Railways subsidiary, SeaFrance. The CC was considering the issue after the matter was referred to it by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) in December. At that time, it had already found against Eurotunnel but was asked to reconsider ... [+]

Ferry ruling postponed

Publication of the UK Competition Commission’s provisional findings of its investigation into Eurotunnel’s Dover-Calais Myferrylink services has been postponed from mid-February to mid-March. The target date for a decision is postponed from late April to early May.                 [+]

UPDATED: Ferry deadline passes without appeal

The 6 January deadline for appeals against the the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal's judgement on Eurotunnel’s purchase of SeaFrance ferries handed down on 4 December – with no such appeals having been received. In December, the Tribunal threw out an earlier decision by the Competition Commission to ban Eurotunnel subsidiary MyFerryLink ... [+]

Eurotunnel ferry line lives on

A UK Competition Appeal Tribunal has thrown out an earlier decision by the Competition Commission to ban Eurotunnel subsidiary MyFerryLink from operating on the Dover-Calais route. The CC ruled in June 2013 that Eurotunnel's ferry subsidiary amounted to unfair competion, but held back from banning the service for six months, ... [+]

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