
Prologis to develop East Midlands freeport site

East Midlands Airport owner and operator MAG (Manchester Airports Group) has appointed logistics property developer Prologis as its partner to take forward the development of a new industrial logistics and advanced manufacturing park. The new area, to the south of the airport, is a designated East Midlands Freeport tax site and aims to develop in key growth sectors including life sciences and advanced manufacturing. It will offer operators various tax and ... [+]

East Midlands is vital lifeline

East Midlands says it has continued to operate 60% of its scheduled flights during the COVID-19 crisis, more than any other major European Airport. The latest European air traffic statistics, published by Eurocontrol, show that EMA has seen the smallest drop in flight numbers of any major airport in Europe over ... [+]

East Mids appoints cargo chief

East Midlands Airport (EMA) has appointed Steven Harvey as its new vice president of cargo. His previous roles in a 30-year career in the industry include being a director CargoLogic and roles at Atlas Air, Volga Dnepr and Ruslan International. EMA handles several express and mail operators and is second only ... [+]

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