
Shipping groups get together to promote digitisation

Non-profit group the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) and the European Shippers’ Council (ESC) are to collaborate to accelerate adoption of DCSA standards and enable a better customer experience for shippers. The associations will leverage DCSA’s open-source, vendor-neutral standards to help their members and other business partners make data exchange more timely, accurate and interoperable. DCSA publishes and promotes digital standards to enable interoperable IT solutions in container shipping to make ... [+]

Lines taking advantage of capacity crunch, say shippers and forwarders

The European Shippers Council (ESC) and European forwarders organisation CLECAT have urged carriers to respect contractual obligations and ensure a regular flow of cargo and containers during the current crisis. ESC president Denis Choumert said that “shipping lines have been taking advantage of the capacity crunch to increase revenues much ... [+]

Shippers call for Brexit breathing-space

The European Shippers’ Council has called for a Brexit transitional period until at least December 2020 to allow governments and companies to finalise their preparation. It says that if the present Brexit withdrawal agreement is not passed in the House of Commons in mid-January, a cliff-edge scenario is most likely ... [+]

Shippers welcome Maritime Single Window plan

The European Shippers Council said has welcomed the European Commission’s new proposal for a Maritime Single Window. It said it would provide faster clearance and release of goods and reduced administrative burdens. However, ESC added that it and other stakeholders would welcome more detail on how different systems will interact ... [+]

Ocean shippers can’t get no satisfaction

Customers are becoming more dissatisfied with the service quality provided by their ocean carriers, according to a joint survey published by the European Shippers Council and analysts Drewry, published on 28 June. They said in their second annual shipper satisfaction survey that the service provided by container shipping lines has deteriorated ... [+]

Commission launches consortia probe

The European Commission has launched an evaluation of the current block exemption of shipping line consortia. The European Shippers’ Council says it is preparing its own response, but individual shippers are also free to participate. ESC said shippers had raised a number of concerns over competition issues. The Block Exemption ... [+]

Germany set to relent on longer trucks?

German may relax its policy not to allow longer and heavier trucks, reports the European Shippers Council. It reports that the country’s position may change by the end of this year, after a test of the vehicles and subject to a positive review by the minister. The news was welcomed ... [+]

Amber light for Benelux mega trucks

The Benelux countries have reached an umbrella agreement on cross-border operation of so-called mega trailers from 2017, reports the European Shippers' Council. Under the agreement, the Flanders region of Belgium will extend its existing pilot; however, the Walloninian region of the country has yet to start a similar scheme.Until now ... [+]

Shippers target ‘too strict’ security rules

The European Shippers’ Council (ESC) said that it would target unecessarily strict supply chain security rules at the sixth round of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations in Brussels on 16 July. ESC said that removing over-strict regulations could be an important element of removing non-tariff barriers to ... [+]

M2 less worrying than P3, say European shippers

The European Shippers’ Council (ESC) described the proposed M2 vessel sharing agreement between MSC and Maersk on the East-West trades as “less worrying for shippers than the now cancelled P3 consortium between MSC, Maersk and CMA CGM. Ot pointed out, however, that the two carriers would have a market share ... [+]

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