
Ferries handed over

The two MyFerryLink ships, the Rodin and the Berlioz, which were at the centre of the recent problems in Calais, were officially handed over to the DFDS Group, in Dunkirk, today (15 September). They will operate under a bareboat charter agreement in accordance with the contract signed at the start of June 2015. However, as a result of damage suffered by the ships whilst they were under the care of ... [+]

DFDS signs ferries deal in bid to end Calais chaos

DFDS has signed an agreement with the SCOP-SeaFrance workers' organisation and Eurotunnel to take over the Rodin and Berlioz that were at the centre of the recent strikes and disruption in Calais. Under the deal, reached with the assistance of the French transport minister on 31 August, DFDS is committing ... [+]

Operation stack ends but Calais still in crisis

Operation stack on the M20 approaches to the Channel Tunnel and ferry ports has been lifted – but not before hundreds of migrants stormed trucks queuing at Calais. UK-bound traffic was caught up in congestion caused by a strike and blockade by workers, after it was revealed that there would ... [+]

Updated: Eurotunnel to sell MyFerryLink to DFDS

The Eurotunnel Group is to sell its MyFerryLink to DFDS, including the Rodin and Berlioz vessels. Eurotunnel anticipates that the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) should not object as it will lead to two maritime operators of equal importance. Moreover, the sale should ensure that the activity remains in ... [+]

Another twist to MyFerryLink saga

The Court of Appeal has upheld an appeal by a French worker's cooperative that Eurotunnel's acquisition of MyFerryLink should not be treated as a merger under UK competition law. The SCOP (Société Coopérative de Production de SeaFrance ), the workers’ collective that has been operating the MyFerryLink service on behalf ... [+]

MyFerryLink wins right to appeal

Following a hearing in London on 5 February, MyFerryLink has won permission from the Court of Appeal to take its fight against the Competition and Markets Authority's ban on Eurotunnel Group operating ferry services to the appeal Court. MyFerryLink will try to overturn the earlier decision of the Competition Appeal ... [+]

Writing on the wall for MyFerryLink?

  Eurotunnel Group said it “regretted” the position taken by the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)'s final order, in which it rejected all its observations in its dispute over its MyFerryLink ro ro subsidiary. The Tunnel operator said that its position confirmed its “unalterable determination of the CMA to bring ... [+]

Updated: MyFerryLink to be given six months to quit the Channel

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has confirmed its decision that Eurotunnel should be barred from operating its Dover/Calais MyFerryLink service. Eurotunnel will be given six months to stop running services from the date of an order to that effect or find another, independent owner for the MyFerryLink business. The ... [+]

Competition Commission finds against MyFerryLink again

The UK's Competition Commission (CC) has found against Eurotunnel and its MyFerryLink subsidiary in its provisional findings of the tunnel operator's takeover of ships and operators belonging to the now bankrupt French Railways subsidiary, SeaFrance. The CC was considering the issue after the matter was referred to it by the ... [+]

Ferry ruling postponed

Publication of the UK Competition Commission’s provisional findings of its investigation into Eurotunnel’s Dover-Calais Myferrylink services has been postponed from mid-February to mid-March. The target date for a decision is postponed from late April to early May.                 [+]

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