
Learn air cargo from the experts

Pegasus Airlines and Bahcesehir University are organising an international transport logistics conferenceat the Besiktas campus in Istanbul on 8 October. It will be of particular interest to students looking to make a career in these sectors. Pegasus Airlines cargo vice president, Aydin Alpa said: “At Pegasus Cargo we believe that hands-on education when learning a profession is vital. Students who attend this conference will be able to meet with and benefit ... [+]

Pegasus brings cargo back in-house

Pegasus Cargo has brought all its cargo reservations and sales activities in-house to its headquarters. They had been outsourced to SP Aviation since 16 March 2012. The Turkish carrier's vice president cargo of Pegasus Airlines, Aydin Alpa said: “Our department is continuously expanding. We are now dealing with cargo reservations ... [+]

New GSA for Pegasus Airlines

Turkey's  Pegasus Cargo has appointed Dubai-based Leisure Cargo FZCO as cargo general sales agent for the Middle East, Africa and Indian sub-continent regions. Vice President Cargo of Pegasus Airlines, Aydin Alpa, says of the new partnership: 'We are delighted to announce that Pegasus Cargo will be expanding its service network via Leisure Cargo ... [+]

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