
IRU unimpressed with Russian TIR action

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has accused Russian Customs of spreading confusion over TIR. While the Customs service had officially announced a stay of execution until 1 July 2014, immediately afterwards it “once again disregarded the TIR Convention by unilaterally issuing, on 2 December 2013, a list of offices where TIR Carnets are still not accepted – representing 95% of all Russian Customs offices.” IRU said “this negative action ... [+]

Russian customs change

Mandatory pre-notification of export goods to Russian Customs, aimed at speeding up border formalities, begins on 17 June, reports Finnish logistics company Nuriman. Pre-notification can be made free of charge on the Russian Customs website service (in Russian) or by an authorised third party. It is recommended that goods imported ... [+]

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