
Euro Parliament agrees new truck size rules

The European Parliament's Committee on Transport endorsed revised regulations on truck weights and dimension on 24 February, in a compromise worked out with the Council.Maximum weight for trucks using alternative fuels such as hybrid or electric engines would be raied by a tonne and longer overall lengths would be allowed for trucks fitted with retractable aerodynamic fittings. The new regulations would also eventually allow rounder, safer cab profiles. [+]

Updated: MEPs put off port services vote

Following its decision to postpone a vote on whether to allow cross—border operation of longer trucks in Europe, MEPs at the at the 17 March meeting of the Committee on Transport (TRAN) also voted to postpone another potentially tricky decision on the opening of the port services market. Following the ... [+]

MEPS put off truck vote again

MEPs have decided to again postpone a vote on the cross-border operation of trucks up to 25 metres long and 60 tonnes (so called gigaliners), due to be held at the European Parliament's Committee on Transport (TRAN), on 18 March. A compromise amendment drafted bya number of political groups is ... [+]

Brussels truck vote postponed

A vote on vehicle weights and dimensions by the European Parliament's Committee on Transport (TRAN), scheduled for 11 February, has been postponed after Euro-politicians failed to reach agreement on compromise amendments. The vote was intended to decide whether longer trucks can cross borders between states that accept them on their ... [+]

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