Air, Freight News
TIACA broadens its appeal
[ December 11, 2019 // Chris ]TIACA broadens its appeal
The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) is introducing a separate category for small, medium and start-up companies allowing them to become a full member at a reduced rate.
TIACA has also signed an agreement with global network Neutral Air Partner (NAP) under which the latter’s members will automatically become a full member of TIACA. Both groups will also work together on programs, conferences, training and communication.
Chairman Steve Polmans, said: “We have not done enough in the past for a big group of companies in our industry, so with this deal and the new membership opportunity for small and medium sized companies, we are reaching out to them to join forces and further build this very interesting and fascinating industry.”
It is also working on new initiatives with members from new sectors including companies involved in the development of drones and autonomous vehicles.
Tags: TIACA; Neutral Air Partners