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Zero Sick Days rewarded by Logistics Company

[ January 12, 2012   //   ]

How many people can honestly say that they have not had a day off sick in the last year?

Well, how about 5 years or even more remarkably 10 years without a day’s sickness?

That is exactly what staff at the GBA Group of Companies have recently been rewarded for.

Directors at the company recently invited 13 people to their head office in Grimsby to meet with management and be presented with certificates and rewards for their outstanding achievements.

2 people were rewarded for an amazing 10 years’ service without a day’s sickness with a further 11 people well on their way to matching that achievement having clocked up 5 years to-date.

What makes these rewards all the more special is that many of these members of staff work outside in all conditions throughout the year.  Many work varying shift patterns to meet operational requirements and to be able to achieve this without a day’s sickness is certainly impressive.

Captain Sam Judah MBE, Managing Director of the GBA Group remarked; “I am extremely delighted to be able to reward our staff’s extraordinary achievements in this way.  Our absence record across the whole group stands at an industry low of 2%. With the majority of our workforce operating outdoors in all conditions, it is a truly remarkable achievement to achieve 5 years and 10 years without having a day’s sickness”

The individuals rewarded for the 10 year achievement were given a certificate accompanied by a special 3 or 4 night break to enjoy with a guest at a range of locations including places such as Prague and Cologne.

Recipients of the 5 year award were presented with a certificate and a UK weekend break where they can select from the likes of a London Theatre break and lunch on the Orient Express.

It is not only 5 and 10 years that are rewarded.  The company also rewards people for 12 months zero sickness with a certificate and gift vouchers of which 114 people received this year.

The company has always operated the one year recognition but in 2006, noticed that some members of staff were reaching milestones of 5 years, 10 years and beyond.  In that time, 2 people have received awards for 15 years, 7 people for 10 years, 50 people for 5 years and 623 people for 1 year.

Pictured are some of the 5 and 10 year recipients.