
DHL builds in Brussels

DHL is investing €114 million in its hub at Brussels Airport, originally opened in 1985. The scheme will triple capacity from 12,000 to 39,500 shipments per hour with modern sorting technology and is expected to create 200 new jobs by 2020. The original Brussels facility was set up in 1985 as a regional hub but is now being increasingly being used as an international and transit hub, and is nearing ... [+]

New plan to simplify cabotage rules

The Juncker Commission published on 17 December plans to simplify and clarify legislation on access to the occupation of road transport operator and on access to the international road haulage market, while dealing with the social dumping issues. One of the problems with existing cabotages rules is that they can ... [+]

Setback for larger trucks

The rapporteur on the proposed review of the EU Directive on larger long trucks is reported to be opposed to allowing them to operate across borders, even between countries that permit their use domestically – for example between Sweden and Finland. Leichfried's draft report on the review of Directive 96/53 ... [+]

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