
Davies recommends third Heathrow runway – now the real battle begins

The Airports Commission has come out in favour of a third Heathrow runway as the solution to air capacity in south-east England. However, it would come at the price of a ban on night flights, which would preclude many freighter operators from taking advantage of the increased capacity. The report by Sir Howard Davies's also called for restrictions to reduce the environmental and noise effects. However, the new Heathrow runway would face ... [+]

Hub is the nub of airports debate – FTA

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) reiterated its message that “air cargo is crucial to the UK economy” on 11 November, as the Airports Commission published its interim report on runway capacity in south-east England. The Commissiont did not make any recommendations – none are expected until it produces its final ... [+]

Where’s the freight in the airport debate?

Howard Davies’s Airports Commission was considering the UK’s urgent lack of airport capacity only from the passenger perspective, Freight Transport Association director of global and European policy Chris Welsh, told a seminar at the Multimodal show on 1 May. Cargo’s interests were getting “swamped” in what was turning into a highly ... [+]

Air cargo is vital to UK, says FTA

The Freight Transport Association said that air cargo was vital to the UK economy in a letter to the chairman of the Airports Commission, Sir Howard Davies, who is pondering the question of runway capacity in south-east England. FTA has commissioned its own report ‘Sky High Value - The importance of ... [+]

UPDATED: New runways for Heathrow and Gatwick on Davies’ shortlist

The Davies Commission on airport capacity in the south-east of England has shortlisted a third runway for Heathrow and a second for Gatwick as possible options, but has not come out decisevly in favour of a scheme for a new island airport in the Thames Estuary. It says that further ... [+]

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