
Business, Freight News

Technological fix to solve Brexit customs dilemma? (Updated)

[ July 5, 2018   //   ]

The UK is to set its own import tariffs but using as yet unspecified technology to determine the goods’ final destination and whether UK or EU duties should apply, under Prime Minister Theresa May’s so-called ‘third way’ solution for post-Brexit Customs.

Downing Street said the system could be partly in place by the end of the proposed transition period in December and fully operational by around 2022

The UK would closely mirror EU food standards and phytosanitary rules but would again be able to introduce its own standards.

British Ports Association’s chief executive, Richard Ballantyne said: “We look forward to seeing the details behind the revised Facilitated Customs Arrangement but it does appears to aim to preserve the seamless facilitation of trade between the UK and the EU. We understand there will be challenges to overcome but we welcome the Prime Minister’s aspirations to find a trade friendly Brexit deal.”
