Feature, Forwarding, Freight News, Logistics, Rail, Road
We want more Turkey, says Ferrymasters
[ January 6, 2020 // Chris ]P&O Ferrymastershas announced plans to develop a comprehensive network across Turkey, in addition to its existing base in Istanbul,
It will open offices in Izmir on the Aegean coast, the capital city Ankara, Mersin on the south coast, Bursa in the Marmara region and Gaziantep near the border with Syria.
Freight management director Murat Bog, said: “At present we offer freight and intermodal services between Europe and Turkey, combining land routes, short sea connections and road-rail routes. We plan to build on our schedule of daily departures to and from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to make Turkey our central hub for customers accessing the entire Middle East, Russia and Ukraine.”
(The next printed issue of FBJ – FBJ 1 2020 – will include a comprehensive Turkey report.)
Tags: Ferrymasters