Freight News, Sea

Ports call for joined up freight strategy

[ February 7, 2018   //   ]

The UK Major Ports Group called for an integrated freight strategy in its response to the Government’s consultation on the next phase of England’s road strategy. It said that the UK must develop a cohesive strategy across transport modes for the key freight transport corridors.

UKMPG chief executive Tim Morris, said: “ There are still too many instances where, for example, it can take nine hours to move cargoes 90 miles. What is required is to take an overview of each of the key freight corridors that enable the UK to trade with the world, rather than take a largely siloed approach through planning by mode of transport.

“Taking a more coordinated approach not only gives great opportunities to make transport of freight more reliable and efficient, it should also give greater environmental sustainability…this must surely be a priority.”

The UKMPG says it looks forward to the Department for Transport’s upcoming Port Connectivity Study and the National Infrastructure Commission’s freight study as opportunities to grasp this coordinated approach.


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