
Ports report sets out blueprint for Covid recovery

The British Ports Association (BPA) has set out a framework for the future of the sector in an economic recovery plan published on 20 May. It highlights how investment in ports can play a part in the UK’s healing from the Covid crisis, deepest economic shock in living memory. It calls for a Green Maritime Fund to drive sustainable development, along with “a massive scaling up” of the UK’s infrastructure ambitions ... [+]

The unsung heroes of the supply chain

Chief executive of the British Ports Association, Richard Ballantyne has described ports and their workers, who are keeping imports of foods, essential products, energy and fuel coming into the country during the coronavirus situation as “unsung heroes”. He said: “The key workers across the UK include those in the ports, shipping ... [+]

BPA launches Covid-19 information hub

The British Ports Association (BPA) has launched a new information resource for UK ports dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Given the volume of information and guidance being issued on daily from government and numerous agencies, the BPA is now signposting all of this content in one place in a clear ... [+]

Port workers need testing too, says BPA

The British Ports Association is calling on Government to broaden the scope of testing to include port workers. It says that while the industry is cooperating very closely with the Department for Transport and other agencies and supports the need to prioritise clinical staff and frontline emergency workers, as soon as ... [+]

Ports call for help to fight corona virus

The British Ports Association (BPA) has written to the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, asking for more support for port health authorities to prevent a spread of the corona virus. Chief executive Richard Ballantyne asked the government to find additional resources to prepare for any emergency controls that need to be implemented. ... [+]

Coronavirus outbreak ‘a possibility’ in UK ports

A serious outbreak of the Coronavirus in a UK port cannot be ruled out, says British Ports Association member Hill Dickinson, in a paper on the virus and its potential implications for the sector as part of the BPA's Port Futures Programme. Tony McDonach, legal director at the law firm said: The ... [+]

Ports publish election priorities

The British Ports Association published its key policy priorities for the 2019 UK General Election on 22 November, including a swift and satisfactory resolution to Brexit, safety, planning, connectivity and making the most of UK maritime, and fisheries. It called on a future government to implement the recommendations in the Port ... [+]

Ports welcome wind plans

The British Ports Association welcomed the Government’s new Sector Deal for Offshore Wind launched in early March. It includes plans for 30% of UK electricity to be generated by from offshore wind by 2030 and will see a huge growth in offshore developments, much of which will be facilitated by ... [+]

Ports look beyond Brexit

The British Ports Association will be promoting its ‘zoning’ policy in 2019, said chief executive Richard Ballantyne in outlining the key priorities for 2019. The BPA’s Port Development and Enterprise Zone concept is a vision for areas around ports to be classified with a special planning, consenting, business and regulatory status ... [+]

We’re doing our bit say British Ports – what about HMG?

UK ports and terminals have an estimated £1.7bn of port infrastructure investment in the pipeline, according to new research by Moffatt & Nichol, says the British Ports Association. The research is part of the British Ports Association’s ‘Port Futures’ programme and captures significant schemes all over the UK and highlights how ports in ... [+]

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